The Pessimist

Wah ternyata blog ini masih ada dan sudah lama sekali tidak menulis, baiklah kali ini akan kita mulai dengan tema yang lebih personal dan sudah lama sekali ingin di tulis
The pessimist
The meaning of pessimist is having a negative opinion about something or an event
The good thing about being a pessimist is thinking about all the bad things that could happen if something or an incident occurs. In my personal view, this defensive pessimist can bring more outcomes because it opens up other things that can be done if an incident occurs. This is proven during a crisis, the pattern defensive pessimist is the one who will be used as a starting point for an optimistic perspective on current events, because it has been arranged and well planned for what possibilities can be obtained, we will never see an extraordinary shift in online technology for almost everything, before COVID-19 happen
Conclusion The inverted mindset of a pessimist can open up all the things that must be prepared to face the worst, what individuals must prepare is a balance of pessimist versus optimistic in our lives
We will never realize what the value of a volcano is, until it's erupted and we can get what we never thought before
Sepertinya cukup dulu untuk permulaan kembali menulis, semoga masih diberikan waktu untuk menulis mendalam mengenai defensive pessimist dalam pengelolaan diri, pengeluaran keuangan, management waktu juga management investasi
Defenisi dan pemahaman di ambil dari berbagai sumber, penulis hanya merangkum apa yang ada di pikiran mengenai subject


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