Strategic Mindset

    Previously we discussed the pessimist defensive mindset which provides the possibility to think differently from others, prepare other plans if the initial one is not fulfilled, and laying the sieges, so this article puts forward the development of this mindset, into a strategic mindset. 

    This strategic mindset will be emphasized in portfolio development, for those who already understand how to develop a portfolio, it is not confusing to choose a form of investment with a predetermined return, but sometimes the return is not as expected and as a result the return on portfolio is low, with various problems occurring in the range that time. The strategic mindset here prioritizes no longer how much return you get from selecting the stocks, because if you hope for dividend investing then the return is likely to be between 19-20%, which is actually good, but it is the portfolio manager's obligation to raise the annual performance higher so that the averages are in the period 5 years has good returns. 

                                                      Marcus Aurelius 
It is the responsibility of leadership to work intelligently with what is given, and not waste time fantasizing about a world of flawless people and perfect choices.

    Reading this quote again, as portfolio managers we must be able to face problems and what we should take in the future, not only to save the position but to carry all the trust given. 

There was one incident that made us think whether the eggs in the basket all came from the same chicken, the same farm, the same breed? 

    Developing this mindset in selecting a portfolio, not all shares with high dividends will be able to maintain growth of the portfolio, high gain shares are needed as well as growth shares which are also needed with a relatively portion maintained by the dividend stock buffer so that if the initial plan is delayed the portfolio increase position is still maintained. On the other hand, by looking at up to date conditions, we can also choose assets in the form of commodities that benefit from a general event, or even safe haven and something that has missed to be seen of other investment managers point of view.

    I believes it's something needed to be share from publisher point of view 11 June 2024, hope in future still able to share

The Pessimist

Wah ternyata blog ini masih ada dan sudah lama sekali tidak menulis, baiklah kali ini akan kita mulai dengan tema yang lebih personal dan sudah lama sekali ingin di tulis
The pessimist
The meaning of pessimist is having a negative opinion about something or an event
The good thing about being a pessimist is thinking about all the bad things that could happen if something or an incident occurs. In my personal view, this defensive pessimist can bring more outcomes because it opens up other things that can be done if an incident occurs. This is proven during a crisis, the pattern defensive pessimist is the one who will be used as a starting point for an optimistic perspective on current events, because it has been arranged and well planned for what possibilities can be obtained, we will never see an extraordinary shift in online technology for almost everything, before COVID-19 happen
Conclusion The inverted mindset of a pessimist can open up all the things that must be prepared to face the worst, what individuals must prepare is a balance of pessimist versus optimistic in our lives
We will never realize what the value of a volcano is, until it's erupted and we can get what we never thought before
Sepertinya cukup dulu untuk permulaan kembali menulis, semoga masih diberikan waktu untuk menulis mendalam mengenai defensive pessimist dalam pengelolaan diri, pengeluaran keuangan, management waktu juga management investasi
Defenisi dan pemahaman di ambil dari berbagai sumber, penulis hanya merangkum apa yang ada di pikiran mengenai subject

Menghitung volume tanki silinder horizontal

Mungkin sudah banyak yang menulis mengenai bagaimana menghitung volume fluida dalam suatu tanki silinder horizontal, sekali lagi tulisan ini hanya sebagai pengingat kepada penulis sendiri mengenai bagaimana cara menghitung volume tanki silinder horizontal, sehingga di lain waktu apabila ada yang bertanya cara'y saya tinggal menunjukan link tulisan ini.
Ok sebelumnya saya sudah tulis mengenai cara menghitung volume tanki silinder horizontal, kalo mau ambil tinggal klik link di bawah ini saja.

Hargailah Hasil karya Orang Lain

Berhubung file untuk document saya yang ada di untuk Hasil Tugas Akhir telah di delete

Fluids return due to Pressure changes

Have you ever asked by company man in location like this:
Company man : Cementer how much will the fluids return to your displacement tank ? will your displacement tank capacity enough to take it all ?
Cementer : Well we already talk about it don't we ? (good answer)
Cementer : Why should I know about it ? (bad answer)

If you don't know how much fluids will return back to your tank, and it is oil base mud which is can make spill to the environment ? that's the problem when your displacement tank unable to take it all, and its all spilled out from your cement unit
but that's not the point I want to share for this time, for some people fluids return sometimes neglect-able because they using water base mud that got no compressible factor, but for oil base mud which is compressible its differences cause they will have to turn its bubble, to common fluids when they got applied pressure. like picture below 

Impact of fluids Compressibility on Displacement

Lama gak nulis" di blog coz sekarang sulit untuk sharing ilmu perminyakan, lebih khusus ke Cementing aja, tapi ada satu ini yang lumayan bisa bikin keringet dingin kalo di tanya sama company man di lokasi masalah, compressibility factor pada saat displace cement slurry dengan oil base mud, sekedar share aja yang gw dapet dari buletin The Cementer semoga sedikit membantu buat yang lagi pusing ditanya'n masalah kelebihan tinggi cement di dalam casing padahal displace udah sesuai sama program.

Compressibility Factor on Displacement Oil Base Mud

Kalo mau ambil tinggal download aja... OK 
Sorry pake English, coz gw juga dapet'y juga English :)

Optimasi Bit pada pemboran

Untuk mendapatkan kedalaman yang diharapkan diperlukan suatu alat yang letaknya di ujung rangkaian pipa pemboran dinamakan mata bor atau bit. Mata bor atau bit adalah alat yang terpasang di ujung paling bawah dari rangkaian pipa yang langsung berhadapan dengan formasi atau batuan yang di bor. Adanya putaran dan beban yang diperoleh dari rangkaian pipa bor diatasnya, akan menyebabkan mata bor itu menghancurkan batuan yang terletak dibawah sehingga akan menembus semakin dalam bebatuan tersebut. Lumpur yang disirkulasikan akan keluar melalui mata bor dan menyemprotkan langsung kebatuan yang sedang dihancurkan di dasar lubang bor. Semprotan ini akan ikut membantu menghancurkan batuan-batuan itu. Batuan yang disemprot oleh Lumpur tadi akan lebih mudah lagi dihancurkan oleh mata bor, sehingga dengan demikian akan diperoleh laju pemboran yang lebih cepat.

Cementing Calculation on Location

A little bit different from what we get from the college about cementing job, where the cementing job will be done from Rig Kelly Bushing (RKB) to the target depth of drilled hole, in this share I would like to show a little bit comprehensive about cementing program held on location from measuring capacity of the hole, until pressure force up that perceived by the casing, and how we encounter that problem

Calculation of Cementing Operation on Location

Measurement Calculation for Directional Well

Lama gak nulis, coz udah sibuk keluar masuk hutan dan gunung
kali ini w akan coba nulis lagi masalah perhitungan survey pada sumur directional, ini juga karena ada yang tanya kenapa bisa nilai Vertical Section jadi negatif saat dihitung, hmmmm cukup bikin pusing juga apalagi yang tanya juga baru mulai nyelesaikan Tugas Akhir
& karena waktu w Kerja Praktek juga ambil judul sama ya harus bisa jawab deh.... padahal udah lupa ^^!
ok pertama liat file yang w lampirin di tenang w link kok

Directional Drilling Equation

Membuat daftar gambar otomatis

Tulisan ini sebenernya jadi satu sama membuat daftar pustaka tapi karena beda fungsi dan cara pembuatannya jadi dipisah deh:
Cara buat daftar gambar otomatis pada halaman yang ingin dikasih nama daftar gambar gampang banget (waktu nulis ini gw pake Microsoft© Office Word 2007, kalo belum pake belilah) caranya seperti ini:

Membuat halaman daftar pustaka otomatis

Dalam pembuatan laporan halaman ini yang paling bikin capek, bukan karena banyaknya tapi karena harus bolak-balik buka halaman yang dimaksud buat nentuin nomornya, kalo laporannya tipis sih gak masalah, kalo tebel ?

Test untuk Lumpur Pemboran

Sharing system lumpur bor dan test untuk lumpur bor, n karena halaman ini gak bisa di kopi pasting, gw taro aja di tempat laen tapi bisa di download kok

semoga bermanfaat

Mud Test


Sistem Penyemenan

Sistem penyemenan

Source : Dosen Akamigas Balongan "Heru Herawan" Teknik Pemboran

Hidraulika Pemboran

Hidraulika penboran                                                    

Source: Dosen Akamigas Balongan "Heru Herawan" Teknik Pemboran Lanjut